Repy White Repy White

How to Uncomplicate Documenting What You Do

Why does documenting what you do feel so complicated?

The honest answer? You’re just too good at what you do.

You now know your business at an expert level. You go through each routine without skipping a beat. It comes naturally. And you’re really good at it. However, this makes documenting what you do hard.

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Elizabeth Yarbrough Elizabeth Yarbrough

Just How Detailed Should My Standard Operating Procedures Be?

While many business leaders understand why process documentation matters, most are also unsure about which details they should—or should not—include.

So which details matter? And which ones don’t? Here are 5 questions to help you decide for yourself.

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Elizabeth Yarbrough Elizabeth Yarbrough

Using SOPs to Scale Your Business

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 20% of new businesses fail in their first two years; 45% in their first five; and 65% in their first 10. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.

Assuming they sell a viable product or service, it’s usually one of two reasons: 1) they run out of money, or 2) they manage employees poorly.

Of the businesses that do survive the 5-, 10- or 15-year mark, many never grow to the size that generates lucrative owner salaries and profits.

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Repy White Repy White

What is an SOP?

You started your business to have more freedom, to make more money, and to leave a legacy. But now you’re CEO, Head of Sales, and Director of HR all rolled into one.

What will it take to get off the treadmill?

Whether you have 1 employee or 100, defining and documenting your standard operating procedures (SOPs) is the answer.

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Elizabeth Yarbrough Elizabeth Yarbrough

3 Employee SOPs You Didn’t Know You Needed

This post originally appeared on the Trainual blog.

No business is successful without great people — that’s a given.

But not every business owner is in-the-know on how to systemize & scale a great employee experience.

Here are 3 things every entrepreneur needs to systemize to hire and keep the best talent:

  1. Your EVP (employee value proposition)

  2. Your employee surprise & delight strategy

  3. Your offboarding process

Read more at Trainual: 3 Employee-Related Processes You Didn’t Know You Needed

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