About Marr Traffic

Marr Traffic is an industry leader in traffic data collection. Completing over 1000+ projects every year and recording over 200,000 hours of footage, they distill meaningful insights from data and move customer’s plans forward.

The Problem

Marr Traffic was growing rapidly, and they had a lot of accumulated, but undocumented knowledge. That made it difficult to pass critical information on to new employees in a scalable way. Their operations were broad — from camera installation and maintenance to complex data analysis.

Heaping all the details into one pile wasn’t going to work — even for the sharpest new hire. They knew they needed a way to differentiate roles, spell out the spheres of responsibility, and document every integral process step by step.

But where to start when so many many actions were interconnected?

The Solution

Over the course of (4) 90-min interviews, we lifted out each piece of their company’s operations and examined it. An organizational and educational structure began to take shape.

From clocking in, to ladder safety, to uploading data, to analysis, it all found its place in Trainual. What might have been a jumble became user-friendly and easily searchable. New hires weren’t bewildered by information they didn’t need, and critical process knowledge was securely stored a click or two away.