About Tom Toole
Sales Group

The Tom Toole sales group is a top 1% real estate agency located in Philadelphia-Westchester. Completing around 500 property transactions per year, they’re the  #1 Zillow-requested team in their area and the top real estate group in both Pennsylvania and Delaware.

The Problem

Over 21 years in real estate, Tom Toole had built a wildly successful business. His systems just worked. Deal by deal by deal, he’d refined his process — scripts, timelines, custom calculators, methods for talking buyers off the fence, methods for finding obscure leads.

Tom was a wealth of knowledge — but that knowledge was difficult to get into the hands of onboarding agents. As his group expanded (rapidly), he became the source of a bottleneck. The educational materials were bulky, challenging to locate on the website, and only loosely correlated with the onboarding process spreadsheet.

They needed to get Tom’s expertise into the hands of agents — faster.

The Solution

We migrated their existing training content to one place: Trainual. That made it easy to read and easy to share. We created a week by week playbook that included embedded scripts, embedded videos of Tom’s delivery, step by step instructions for things like applying for licensure, completing internal reviews, learning the technology, and more.

No more hunting for a file vaguely mentioned in the spreadsheet. It was all right there in Trainual. The only challenge now was learning.